History of our industrial furnace company

The ECM Group is the world leader in solutions and services for industrial heat treatments with strong value adding properties.

Founded in 1928, the industrial furnace company Group ECM is known all over the world for its innovations, technologies, processes, solutions and services. Our vacuum furnaces have been developed for more than 50 years and constitute a referring basis for several thousands of units sold around the world: ICBP® installations, vacuum furnaces, induction furnaces, deposition furnaces, photovoltaic & crystal growth furnaces, and tailor-made furnaces.

The whole engineering and manufacturing takes place in our French workshop based in our headquarters in Grenoble: 1 200 m² of offices, 8 000 m² of workshops, a R&D platform and a laboratory dedicated to metallurgy. All processes are mastered internally. ECM solutions represent 75% of all low pressure carburizing installations produced in the world (1 652 heat treating cells / 335 vacuum carburizing – ICBP® installations).

Corporate social responsibility, values and the dedication of men and women all help ECM create reliable and relevant technological solutions to our clients. The quality of our relationships and continuous improvements are the basis of the company’s success. Our strong capacity to react is proven by the agility, flexibility and availability of our 600 collaborators and our 15 international subsidiaries (China, India, USA, Germany…)

Our vacuum carburizing furnaces

Our history

Our Mission

Designing and manufacturing high-tech equipment that combines the technological challenges of innovation, production and decarbonization

ECM Technologies contributes to improving the performance of global industry and supports it in its ecological and social transition.

Through our technologies, we contribute to the development of sustainable sectors, since our solutions are themselves extremely low-carbon compared with the technologies we replace.

Together, we bring ethical and societal issues to our value chains. Our vision is to reconcile the company’s pledge with that of our committed teams.


Contact us

ECM Group

High Tech products, strong international presence, external growth…

”ECM Technologies owes its success to the individuals composing the company, its customers and its strong investments in R&D. Based in Grenoble, Paris and Montpellier, the company manufactures 90% of its production in France and exports 85% of it. Thanks to our patented process INFRACARB® and our broad range of modular installations ICBP®, we are the world leaders in low pressure carburizing. From low pressure carburizing to large scale high pressure gas quenching…,we are devoted to improve heat treatments on our customers’ sites…”

Président / CEO

ECM group's values


favoriser la créativité et la prise d'initiatives pour innover et s’améliorer

La compétence

au service de nos clients. Développer et pérenniser notre savoir faire


saisir des opportunités et faire preuve de résilience


cultiver l'esprit d'une entreprise familiale

La diversité

être tourné vers l'international, favoriser la diversité des salariés, produits & clients



of experience


subsidiaries across
the word




vacuum carburizing cells
in production worldwide

Our business references

Industrial furnaces from ECM Technologies meet the expectations of all industrial sectors, and particularly: Automotive, Aeronautics, Electronics, Photovoltaic, Nuclear, Medical and the Elaboration of Materials.

Since 1964, vacuum furnaces manufactured by ECM Technologies have constituted a reference basis for several thousands of furnaces sold worldwide. Ever since, ECM Technologies became the main supplier of OEMs of these industries, such as: Dassault, Thales, Airbus, Herakles, Sagem…

Since 1991, with its patented Infracarb process for low pressure carburizing, and its very own modular installation concept ICBP, ECM Technologies has been reinforcing its leading position on this market with more than 1476 heating cells producing around the world.

Corporate Social Responsibility

As a player committed to the transformation of the industry, we are constantly innovating to meet with societal and environmental challenges by reducing the carbon footprint of our solutions and by actively participating in the local economy.


ECM Technologies puts people at the heart of its business and is committed at all levels to quality, safety and sustainability. The management systems in place allow us to guarantee that our products and services respect our commitments in favor of this approach, as stated in the policy available here:

Our geographic locations